MFT -  514

MFT -  510

MF -  557

MF -  553

MFT -  512

MF - 530

Metal Finish

MFT -  890

MF - 233

MFT -  883

MF 531

MFT -  840

MF -  552

MFT -  900

MF -  552

MF 533

You don't need to search for a customized metal to be installed, or wait for the metal to age in years naturally. Our Metal Finish can be applied on almost all substrates. A ready plastered wall, wooden structure or gypsum board of architectural motifs..... can all be painted with metal finish for an instant aging look, or for a textured feel metal that is rare to be found in nature. Our acrylic painted metal finish can just be your metal solution

MF - 565

MF - 564

MF - 232

MFT -  830

MF -  555

MFT -  870

MF -  551

MF -  563

MFT -  871

MFT -  513

MF - 540

MFT -  511

MF 550

MF - 230

MF - 210

MF - 566

MF -  552

MFT -  882

MF 532

MFT -  880

MF -  558

MF - 220

MFT -  500

MF -  556

MF -  561

MF -  559

MF -  552

MF -  552

MF  -  860