B  R  O  N  Z  E

W  E  A  T  H  E  R  E  D     W  A  L  L

Surfaces are no longer flat and even, plain and bland. It is a piece of art if one lets it flow, by strokes of freedom. Versatility is endless. With the right kind of technique suited for each area, the transformation is breathtaking once decorative effects are applied. You will be amazed with how magical it could create. Each texture painting provides a masterpiece with no joints seen, but a continuation of strokes and flow that stands out on its own when compared to other mass produced products. Durability is unquestionable due to its quality mixture of raw materials

C  O  N  C  R  E  T  E     E  F  F  E  C  T  S

S    U    R    F    A   C    E    S

O  X  I  D  A  T  I  O  N